
成立于2003年,由东风汽车集团与日本本田技研工业株式会社出资成立,拥有具备强大研发技术力量的研究开发中心和先进工艺生产车间,成立以来导入多种运动型多功能车辆,国内知名的大型乘用车企业。公司自成立以来,陆续导入Honda运动型多功能车CR-V、中级车思域、高端运动型轿车思铂睿自主品牌车型思铭、高端MPV 艾力绅、紧凑级SUV XR-V、中型SUV UR-V、新精英旗舰座驾INSPIRE、新风尚乐享座驾享域小型车 LIFE、高品质电动SUV X-NV、纯电动质趣SUV M-NV。东风本田以梦想作为发展的源动力,秉承“以人为本 三个喜悦”的理念,积极开展文化、体育、科技及环保公益活动,努力成为“社会期待其存在的企业”。



本赛季Hyundai N车型为伊兰特N TCR。



XPOWER作为中国汽车行业官方改装领创厂牌。传承赛道基因,再续荣耀血统。燃擎赛道,MG XPOWER时刻战力全开,把速度与激情的赛场风云带给观众。2020年和2021年,MG6 XPOWER TCR两度斩获TCR China年度车队和年度车型双料冠军。

本年度参赛车型为MG5 XPOWER TCR。



壳牌捷凯领克车队由冠军之师 TEAMWORK 捷凯运营,由领克汽车、吉利汽车运动部提供支持。2020赛季,壳牌捷凯领克车队车手马青骅夺得 TCR China 年度车手总冠军。2021赛季,车队派出马青骅、张志强、王日昇三位职业车手,驾驶领克 03 TCR 赛车参与 TCR Asia 赛事角逐。


War between CTCC and CJ SuperRace
source:CTCC Official Date:2014/5/28 15:16:03

 Sinopec Lubricants China Touring Car Championship the third stop of 2014 season on May 25 started at the Shanghai International Circuit. The first round of China Production Group
, Beijing Hyundai Team Cui Yue won the championship, his teammates Sun Chao got a second, BAIC MOTOR David Zhu ranked the third. In the second round, Beijing Hyundai Team Liu Yang, Cui Yue took the first two awards, BAIC MOTOR David Zhu again won the third place. Red Bull Award for being the fastest lap gained by Cui Yue. In the Super Quantity Production Group, after 13 laps, Shanghai Volkswagen 333 Zhang Zhendong won the championship, teammate Wang Rui got a second, Changan Ford Martin Xie Xinzhe got the third. Jiang Tengyi won the fastest lap of Red Bull award.

Beijing Hyundai Overtook the Game
Unexpected, in China Production Group, Beijing Hyundai was the first and second to dispatch the cars, and successfully brought the championship of first and second. With a wonderful playing in Shanghai, Beijing Hyundai team has left behind the second manufacture on the standings more than 47 points. In the first game, the two round competition system was to find out by Beijing Hyundai Team, and won such an impressive record, which made us admire the perfect tactical formulated.

Zhang Zhendong Laughs from A to Z
With home advantage, Shanghai Volkswagen 333 teenager Zhang Zhendong, with a wonderful start and steady play, following the success of last year's season-ending championship, won another championship in front of his family. Zhang Zhen Dong smilee from ear to ear after the game. Shanghai Volkswagen 333 team also finished surpassed Changan Ford Team. Wang Rui gained the second. Martin Xie Xinzhe, with a pole position, failed to hold the position.In this competition, Wang Rui and Jiang Tengyi combated a dozen laps and made audience scream.

CJ SuperRace Came with CTCC
This is the second time Korea CJ SuperRace come into China, on Sunday, the two groups simultaneously had their finals. Super6000 group aspect, ATLAS BX RACING TEAM STEVEN CHO and KIM JOONG KUN continued the strong qualifying strength successfully wining the Champion and the second. INJE RACING TEAM KIM DONG EUN and Kato ranked the third and four. Korean racing was popular again, including former F1 driver Yuji Ide and the famous Korean movie star RYU SI WON attracted many viewers. While Super6000 group of the world's best racing car engine sound took the atmosphere to another climax. Two weeks later, SuperRace will move to Shanghai Tianma Circuit, to continue his China trip.

Big Gathering : Travel in Jiading, Feeling the Racing
CTCC Shanghai , according to incomplete statistics, there was a total of 20,004 spectators. Each race, the various regions were packed by audience. The business district was full of bustling crowd. Including the SINOPEC LUBRICANTS, Red Bull, Kumho Tire, Changan Ford, CJ et CTCC official souvenir standing people waiting in a long queue for the gifts, and playing games and, spectators flocked to buy goods.

The next game, the SINOPEC LUBRICANTS CTCC will be staged in Shanghai Tianma Circuit.


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