

本赛季Hyundai N车型为伊兰特N TCR。



壳牌捷凯领克车队由冠军之师 TEAMWORK 捷凯运营,由领克汽车、吉利汽车运动部提供支持。2020赛季,壳牌捷凯领克车队车手马青骅夺得 TCR China 年度车手总冠军。2021赛季,车队派出马青骅、张志强、王日昇三位职业车手,驾驶领克 03 TCR 赛车参与 TCR Asia 赛事角逐。


CTCC Race5 qualifyist.ru
source:CTCC Official Date:2010/9/27 11:39:19

Sep 23rd, 2010, the China Touring Car Championship (CTCC) Race 5 qualify session was finished at 16:50 with DF-KIA 778 Shaofeng Wang grabbing the 2.0L pole, while Qinghua Ma from BI Hyundai sitting the 1.6L’s.

Wang’s first pole position at 2000cc

The 2 Liter qualifying was started at 14:50 sharp. DF-KIA 778 driver Shaofeng Wang, managed to continue the outstanding performance from practice, setting 1:56.118 to take pole.

Changan Ford Racing team drivers, with the hard-to-ignore extra burden on their shoulders, still managed to sit 2nd and 3rd.

1600cc: BJ Hyundai “Rookie” took the pole with 2 teammates following closely behind

Qinghua Ma, the CTCC new face replacing Chao Wang’s seat at BJ Hyundai, grabbed pole at his CTCC debut race. Jincun Wan and Yue Cui, 2 other rookies from BJ Hyundai racing team, qualified 2nd and 3rd, respectively.

The Birther-boy Han Han and his teammate Rui Wang qualified 4th and 5th, respectively. Chuhan Huang, the winner from last race, was 9th. Zheng Sun, the young gun from Nissan Ghia, set the best lap in the team.

The newly founded Ordos International Circuit brought new challenge to the CTCC drivers. The race will start at 13:33 on Friday. Stay tuned for more!

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